Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Color Telivision


Television at the crossroads

Television in substantially its present form has been with us for nearly 50 years. It is a tribute to the National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) that the color television standards agreed upon in the early 1950s have performed remarkably well making quite efficient use of valuable radio spectrum space and the psychovisual characteristics of the human eye-brain system. However, HDTV (High Definition TV) will supplant and ultimately replace the current standards. We will all come to expect its superior resolution, freedom from noise and ghosting, and pure CD sound. Yet, the perceived quality of TV broadcasts and cable will never likely be the major issue with most consumers. Content will continue to be the biggest problem.
It is likely that in roughly 15 years, HDTV - digitally processed and transmitted as 1s and 0s - will completely replace the current system. Acceptance in the marketplace is by no means assured but with the merging of TV and computers - with the Internet as a driving force - it would seem that the days of the stand-alone analog TV set are numbered.

Basics in TV Repair Guide

Here are some of the useful information that we must know if we want to learn about TV Repair, but before this, you must also have the knowledge about the electronics components and the symbols that we see when dealing a schematic diagrams and printed on the circuit boards. You must learn the basic functions of the Resistors, Diodes and other semiconductor components that are available on electronics circuits. For more information about the Semiconductors, here is a website that can help you understand more About Semiconductors.

In this diagram, it shows the different section in a Television Set. This can be serves as a reference when referring a television set. You must have the knowledge on how to diagnose problem so can just choose on what section you will troubleshoot to decrease the time of your troubleshooting.

Here are the parts list from the above diagram:

1. Speaker
2. Yoke
3. Video Amplifier
4. CRT Socket
5. High Voltage Section
6. Bridge Diode
7. Regulator
8. Audio Amp (green square) Audio Section
9. Tuner
10. Flyback
11. Chopper
12. EEPROM (Memory IC)
13. Vertical
14 Horizontal

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